The Data Science Education & Workforce Working Group  

First Friday of every quarter at 11AM EST! Meets virtually! 

Join the Group- CLICK HERE

The Data Science Education and Workforce Working Group (DSEW) consists of national members from industry, academia, and government actively engaged in securing funding for and developing: (1) the use of government open data to support education and training in data science; (2) faculty and student data science training and curriculum development; (3) broadening and deepening the data science talent and workforce base; (4) connecting training in academia to industry and government needs, and (5) workforce development experiences for students to connect to industry, government, and non-profit organizations.

DSEW is an open quarterly professional working group for data science educators and program leaders to talk and hear from other programs around the country, as well as learn about resources for connecting with data, tools, industry partners, and research. 

The focus of the group is to: 

  1. Highlight funded Data Science or AI education projects, programs, and resources 
  2. Share best-practices for project-based courses & teaching approaches
  3. Provide experiences with assessment or evaluation approaches for Data Science teaching or Data Science programs.

The Education & Workforce Working Group meets virtually on a quarterly basis, if you are interested in the group, join the mailing list CLICK HERE.


Working Group Chair


Dr. Renata Rawlings-Goss, Georgia Institute of Technology

Dr. Renata Rawlings-Goss is the Executive Director of The South Big Data Innovation Hub, an NSF-funded 16-state center connecting industry, academia, and government around data science innovation. She is the Director of Strategic Partnerships for the Georgia Institute of Technology- Institute for Data Engineering and Science (IDEaS). 

Formerly, Dr. Rawlings-Goss worked with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy while at the National Science Foundation CISE-OAD founding the National Data Science Organizers and co-leading the writing team for the Federal Big Data Strategic Plan. 

Speaker Nomination

The South Hub Education and Workforce Working Group is seeking speakers for quarterly working group calls.  If you are interested in sharing your research, projects, and resources in one of the three focus areas, or nominating a colleague, please sign up to be a speaker CLICK HERE. For questions please contact Carolyn Young ( 


September 2024 Presenters


Jonathan Schwabish, PhD | Senior Fellow, Urban Institute

Jonathan Schwabish, PhD | Senior Fellow, Urban Institute



Title: Bringing Data to Life: Community Data Physicalization 



Abstract: Data physicalization is the act of creating data visualizations in physical space, such as with tapestries, jewelry, sculpture, glasswork, pottery, clothing, and food. Many data physicalization projects in the existing literature, however, focus on those created for exhibition, where the viewer has little or no impact on the visualization itself. In this talk, I argue for a more collaborative, community-driven, and affordable approach to creating data visualizations in the real world. I first present an “agency model” for data physicalization to distinguish between the various types of data physicalizations. I also explore results from interviews conducted in early 2024 with four firms working in the museum-installation space and how these firms create engaging and interactive exhibits. Finally, I describe an ongoing, weekly data physicalization project that uses relatively simple and affordable forms to engage colleagues and create shared data visualizations. 


Bio: Dr. Jonathan Schwabish is an economist, writer, teacher, and data communications expert. He is considered a leading voice for clarity and accessibility in how analysts, researchers, and scholars communicate their findings. Across four books, he has provided a comprehensive guide to creating, communicating, and distributing data-rich content. Better Presentations coaches people through preparing, designing, and delivering data communication products; Elevate the Debate helps people develop a strategic plan to communicating their work across multiple platforms and channels; and Better Data Visualizations details essential strategies to create more effective data visualizations. His most recent book, Data Visualization in Excel, hit bookshelves in May 2023 and helps readers create better graphs and charts in the Excel software tool.


Tan Le | Assistant Professor, Hampton University

Tan Le | Assistant Professor, Hampton University


Title: Education on Intersection of Cybersecurity and AI: STEM, Youth Empowerment and Workforce Development


Bio: Tan Le was a Research Assistant Professor with the Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center (VMASC), Old Dominion University (ODU), Suffolk, VA, USA, and is now an Assistant Professor with Hampton University (HU), Hampton, VA, USA. From 2002 to 2010, he was a Lecturer with Ho Chi Minh University of Technology and Education. He was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal from 2015 to 2016, Arizona State University from 2016 to 2017 and Utah State University from 2017 to 2020. He received his B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees from Ho Chi Minh University of Technology in 2002 and 2004, respectively and his Ph.D. degree from University of Quebec in 2016.

His research focuses on artificial intelligence, machine learning, cybersecurity, internet of things, vehicular networks, blockchain, 5G and beyond network, smart healthcare, edge/fog/cloud computing and software defined networking. He has accumulated solid working experiences of both industry and academic institutions relevant to cybersecurity. He oversees many essential research directions to contribute to the future development of cybersecurity. He recently worked on the team to develop an integrated secure and privacy preserving 5G-empowered hyperconnected-vehicle platform that addresses secure mobility management, intrusion detection on the controller area network, privacy preserving data sharing and trust management. He also is working with ODU researchers to propose 5G and internet of things technology tailored to realize massive, low-latency and resilient infrastructure that will benefit and secure large numbers of Department of Defense mission-supporting devices.




March 2024 Presenters


Earvin Balderama

Earvin Balderama | Assistant Professor, Fresno State



Title: The DEDICATE Project and Faculty Training Workshops



Bio: Earvin Balderama is an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at Fresno State, teaching graduate and undergraduate statistics and data science courses including biostatistics, probability theory, machine learning, statistical computing and consulting. Earvin Balderama is a Johanson Entrepreneurship Fellow, a California Water Institute Faculty Fellow, and a co-PI of the recently funded NSF-INCLUDES project, DEDICATE: Data Science Equity-Driven Inquiry to Create Accessible Project-based Training for Social Impact Education. 


Prior to Fresno State, Earvin Balderama received a PhD in Statistics from UCLA, was a postdoc at NC State, and spent four years at Loyola University Chicago as faculty in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Earvin Balderama is passionate about the subject of statistics, learning new things, and sharing that knowledge. His goal is to make statistics accessible and fun for all students so they are motivated to pursue more statistics in their education. He hopes to be able to instill in students a true appreciation for statistics and learning that they can take with them beyond the classroom in a way that will be useful to them in their everyday lives. Outside of work, Earvin Balderama enjoys volleyball, rock climbing, and spending time with his 4-year-old daughter.


John Harnisher | Head of Research, DataKind

John Harnisher | Head of Research, DataKind


Title: Call for Collaborations


Bio: John brings over 20 years of experience as a leader and researcher in the fields of data modeling, analytics, assessment, employee selection and organizational development to DataKind. Before joining DataKind, John led research, data science, machine learning and assessment functions for Kaplan, Talogy (previously PSI Caliper) and I/O solutions. John is a strong believer in developing and completing research and data science projects that positively impact society. John holds a BA in psychology from Connecticut College, a Master of Science in I/O Psychology from NYU and a PhD in Organizational Psychology from NYU.


Resources for Learners, Educators, Program Leaders and General Purposes

Each quarter the speakers provide and reference valuable resources to benefit the Education & Workforce Community.  Resources include course curriculum, course designs, course materials, and other resources.

-> Education & Workforce Working Group Resources    

-> View Past Working Group Meeting Notes                    

-> Click Here for Past Speakers                    

-> View Past Presentations on the South Hub Youtube 

Date Published
Sunday, October 25, 2020 - 12:00 am